
At this chapter you will find answers for frequently asked questions and help with troubleshooting when using TripleO.

Troubleshooting instack-virt-setup Failures

Known Issues:

  • Due to a bug in libvirt, it is possible for instack-virt-setup to fail with an error such as the following:

    libvirt: QEMU Driver error : unsupported configuration: This QEMU doesn't support virtio scsi controller
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "/usr/libexec/openstack-tripleo/configure-vm", line 133, in <module>
    File "/usr/libexec/openstack-tripleo/configure-vm", line 129, in main
        a = conn.defineXML(libvirt_template)
    File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/", line 3445, in defineXML
        if ret is None:raise libvirtError('virDomainDefineXML() failed', conn=self)
    libvirt.libvirtError: unsupported configuration: This QEMU doesn't support virtio scsi controller

    The workaround is to do delete the libvirt capabilities cache and restart the service:

    rm -Rf  /var/cache/libvirt/qemu/capabilities/
    systemctl restart libvirtd

Troubleshooting Image Build

Images fail to build

More space needed

Images are built in tmpfs by default, to speed up the builds. In case your machine doesn’t have enough free RAM, the image building step can fail with a message like “At least 174MB more space needed on the / filesystem”. If freeing up more RAM isn’t a possibility, images can be built on disk by exporting an environment variable:

export DIB_NO_TMPFS=1

Troubleshooting Node Management Failures

Where Are the Logs?

Some logs are stored in journald, but most are stored as text files in /var/log. Ironic and ironic-inspector logs are stored in journald. Note that Ironic has 2 units: openstack-ironic-api and openstack-ironic-conductor. Similarly, ironic-inspector has openstack-ironic-inspector and openstack-ironic-inspector-dnsmasq. So for example to get all ironic-inspector logs use:

sudo journalctl -u openstack-ironic-inspector -u openstack-ironic-inspector-dnsmasq

If something fails during the introspection ramdisk run, ironic-inspector stores the ramdisk logs in /var/log/ironic-inspector/ramdisk/ as gz-compressed tar files. File names contain date, time and IPMI address of the node if it was detected (only for bare metal).

Node Registration Problems

Any problems with node data registered into Ironic can be fixed using the Ironic CLI.

For example, a wrong MAC can be fixed in two steps:

  • Find out the assigned port UUID by running

    ironic node-port-list <NODE UUID>
  • Update the MAC address by running

    ironic port-update <PORT UUID> replace address=<NEW MAC>

A Wrong IPMI address can be fixed with the following command:

ironic node-update <NODE UUID> replace driver_info/ipmi_address=<NEW IPMI ADDRESS>

Hardware Introspection Problems

Introspection hangs and times out

ironic-inspector times out introspection process after some time (defaulting to 1 hour) if it never gets response from the introspection ramdisk. This can be a sign of a bug in the introspection ramdisk, but usually it happens due to environment misconfiguration, particularly BIOS boot settings. Please refer to ironic-inspector troubleshooting documentation for information on how to detect and fix such problems.

Accessing the ramdisk

Note that the introspection ramdisk is by default built with the dynamic-login element, so you can set up an SSH key and log into it for debugging.

First, think of a temporary root password. Generate a hash by feeding it into openssl passwd -1 command. Edit /httpboot/inspector.ipxe manually. Find the line starting with “kernel” and append rootpwd=”HASH” to it. Do not append the real password. Alternatively, you can append sshkey=”PUBLIC_SSH_KEY” with your public SSH key.


In both cases quotation marks are required!

When ramdisk is running, figure out its IP address by checking arp utility or DHCP logs from

sudo journalctl -u openstack-ironic-inspector-dnsmasq

SSH as a root user with the temporary password or the SSH key.

Accessing logs from the ramdisk

Introspection logs are saved on ramdisk failures. Starting with the Newton release, they are actually stored on all introspection failures. The standard location is /var/log/ironic-inspector/ramdisk, and the files there are actually tar.gz without an extension.

To collect introspection logs in other cases, set always_store_ramdisk_logs = true in /etc/ironic-inspector/inspector.conf, restart the openstack-ironic-inspector service and retry the introspection.

Refusing to introspect node with provision state “available”

If you’re running introspection directly using ironic-inspector CLI (or in case of bugs in our scripts), a node can be in the “AVAILABLE” state, which is meant for deployment, not for introspection. You should advance node to the “MANAGEABLE” state before introspection and move it back before deployment. Please refer to upstream node states documentation for information on how to fix it.

How can introspection be stopped?

Starting with the Mitaka release, introspection for a node can be stopped with the following command:

openstack baremetal introspection abort <NODE UUID>

For older versions the recommended path is to wait until it times out. Changing timeout setting in /etc/ironic-inspector/inspector.conf may be used to reduce this timeout from 1 hour (which usually too much, especially on virtual environment).

If you do need to stop introspection for all nodes right now, do the following for each node:

ironic node-set-power-state UUID off

then remove ironic-inspector cache, rebuild it and restart ironic-inspector:

rm /var/lib/ironic-inspector/inspector.sqlite
sudo ironic-inspector-dbsync --config-file /etc/ironic-inspector/inspector.conf upgrade
sudo systemctl restart openstack-ironic-inspector

Troubleshooting a Failed Overcloud Deployment

If an Overcloud deployment has failed, the OpenStack clients and service log files can be used to troubleshoot the failed deployment. The following commands are all run on the Undercloud and assume a stackrc file has been sourced.

Identifying Failed Component

In most cases, Heat will show the failed overcloud stack when a deployment has failed:

$ heat stack-list

| id                                   | stack_name | stack_status       | creation_time        |
| 7e88af95-535c-4a55-b78d-2c3d9850d854 | overcloud  | CREATE_FAILED      | 2015-04-06T17:57:16Z |

Occasionally, Heat is not even able to create the the stack, so the heat stack-list output will be empty. If this is the case, observe the message that was printed to the terminal when instack-deploy-overcloud or heat stack-create was run.

Next, there are a few layers on which the deployment can fail:

  • Orchestration (Heat and Nova services)
  • Bare metal provisioning (Ironic service)
  • Post-deploy configuration (Puppet)

As Ironic service is in the middle layer, you can use its shell to guess the failed layer. Issue ironic node-list command to see all registered nodes and their current status, you will see something like:

| UUID                                 | Name | Instance UUID | Power State | Provision State | Maintenance |
| f1e26112-5fbd-4fc4-9612-ecce7a1d86aa | None | None          | power off   | available       | False       |
| f0b8c105-f1d7-4059-a9a3-b050c3340340 | None | None          | power off   | available       | False       |

Pay close attention to Provision State and Maintenance columns in the resulting table.

  • If the command shows empty table or less nodes that you expect, or Maintenance is True, or Provision State is manageable, there was a problem during node enrolling and introspection. Please go back to these steps.

    For example, Maintenance goes to True automatically, if wrong power credentials are provided.

  • If Provision State is available then the problem occurred before bare metal deployment has even started. Proceed with Debugging Using Heat.

  • If Provision State is active and Power State is power on, then bare metal deployment has finished successfully, and problem happened during the post-deployment configuration step. Again, refer to Debugging Using Heat.

  • If Provision State is wait call-back, then bare metal deployment is not finished for this node yet. You may want to wait until the status changes.

  • If Provision State is error or deploy failed, then bare metal deployment has failed for this node. Issue

    ironic node-show <UUID>

    and look for last_error field. It will contain error description.

    If the error message is vague, you can use logs to clarify it:

    sudo journalctl -u openstack-ironic-conductor -u openstack-ironic-api

    If you see wait timeout error, and node Power State is power on, then try to connect to the virtual console of the failed machine. Use virt-manager tool for virtual machines and vendor-specific virtual console (e.g. iDRAC for DELL) for bare metal machines.

Debugging Using Heat

  • Identifying the failed Heat resource

    List all the stack resources to see which one failed.

    $ heat resource-list overcloud
    | resource_name                     | physical_resource_id                          | resource_type                                     | resource_status | updated_time         |
    | BlockStorage                      | 9e40a1ee-96d3-4920-868d-683d3788e129          | OS::Heat::ResourceGroup                           | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2015-04-06T21:15:20Z |
    | BlockStorageAllNodesDeployment    | 2c453f6b-7378-44c8-a0ad-57de57d9c57f          | OS::Heat::StructuredDeployments                   | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2015-04-06T21:15:20Z |
    | BlockStorageNodesPostDeployment   |                                               | OS::TripleO::BlockStoragePostDeployment           | INIT_COMPLETE   | 2015-04-06T21:15:20Z |
    | CephClusterConfig                 | 1684e7a3-0e42-44fe-9db4-7543b742fbfc          | OS::TripleO::CephClusterConfig::SoftwareConfig    | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2015-04-06T21:15:20Z |
    | CephStorage                       | 48b3460c-bf9a-4663-99fc-2b4fa01b8dc1          | OS::Heat::ResourceGroup                           | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2015-04-06T21:15:20Z |
    | CephStorageAllNodesDeployment     | 76beb3a9-8327-4d2e-a206-efe12f1613fb          | OS::Heat::StructuredDeployments                   | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2015-04-06T21:15:20Z |
    | CephStorageCephDeployment         | af8fb02a-5bc6-468c-8fac-fbe7e5b2c689          | OS::Heat::StructuredDeployments                   | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2015-04-06T21:15:20Z |
    | CephStorageNodesPostDeployment    |                                               | OS::TripleO::CephStoragePostDeployment            | INIT_COMPLETE   | 2015-04-06T21:15:20Z |
    | Compute                           | e5e6ec84-197f-4bf6-b8ac-eb11fe494cdf          | OS::Heat::ResourceGroup                           | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2015-04-06T21:15:20Z |
    | ComputeAllNodesDeployment         | e6d44fbf-9683-4765-acbb-4a3d31c8fd48          | OS::Heat::StructuredDeployments                   | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2015-04-06T21:15:20Z |
    | ControllerNodesPostDeployment     | e551e472-f2db-4468-b586-0374678d71a3          | OS::TripleO::ControllerPostDeployment             | CREATE_FAILED   | 2015-04-06T21:15:20Z |
    | ComputeCephDeployment             | 673608d5-70d7-453a-ac78-7987bc2c0158          | OS::Heat::StructuredDeployments                   | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2015-04-06T21:15:20Z |
    | ComputeNodesPostDeployment        | 1078e3e3-9f6f-48b9-8961-a30f44098856          | OS::TripleO::ComputePostDeployment                | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2015-04-06T21:15:20Z |
    | ControlVirtualIP                  | 6402b396-84aa-4cf6-9849-305205755604          | OS::Neutron::Port                                 | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2015-04-06T21:15:20Z |
    | Controller                        | ffc45352-9708-486d-81ac-3b60efa8e8b8          | OS::Heat::ResourceGroup                           | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2015-04-06T21:15:20Z |
    | ControllerAllNodesDeployment      | f73c6e33-3dd2-46f1-9eca-0d2981a4a986          | OS::Heat::StructuredDeployments                   | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2015-04-06T21:15:20Z |
    | ControllerBootstrapNodeConfig     | 01ce5b6a-794a-4828-bad9-49d5fbfd55bf          | OS::TripleO::BootstrapNode::SoftwareConfig        | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2015-04-06T21:15:20Z |
    | ControllerBootstrapNodeDeployment | c963d53d-879b-4a41-a10a-9000ac9f02a1          | OS::Heat::StructuredDeployments                   | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2015-04-06T21:15:20Z |
    | ControllerCephDeployment          | 2d4281df-31ea-4433-820d-984a6dca6eb1          | OS::Heat::StructuredDeployments                   | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2015-04-06T21:15:20Z |
    | ControllerClusterConfig           | 719c0d30-a4b8-4f77-9ab6-b3c9759abeb3          | OS::Heat::StructuredConfig                        | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2015-04-06T21:15:20Z |
    | ControllerClusterDeployment       | d929aa40-1b73-429e-81d5-aaf966fa6756          | OS::Heat::StructuredDeployments                   | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2015-04-06T21:15:20Z |
    | ControllerSwiftDeployment         | cf28f9fe-025d-4eed-b3e5-3a5284a2aa60          | OS::Heat::StructuredDeployments                   | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2015-04-06T21:15:20Z |
    | HeatAuthEncryptionKey             | overcloud-HeatAuthEncryptionKey-5uw6wo7kavnq  | OS::Heat::RandomString                            | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2015-04-06T21:15:20Z |
    | MysqlClusterUniquePart            | overcloud-MysqlClusterUniquePart-vazyj2s4n2o5 | OS::Heat::RandomString                            | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2015-04-06T21:15:20Z |
    | MysqlRootPassword                 | overcloud-MysqlRootPassword-nek2iky7zfdm      | OS::Heat::RandomString                            | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2015-04-06T21:15:20Z |
    | ObjectStorage                     | 47327c98-533e-4cc2-b1f3-d8d0eedba822          | OS::Heat::ResourceGroup                           | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2015-04-06T21:15:20Z |
    | ObjectStorageAllNodesDeployment   | 7bb691aa-fa93-4f10-833e-6edeccc61408          | OS::Heat::StructuredDeployments                   | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2015-04-06T21:15:20Z |
    | ObjectStorageNodesPostDeployment  | d4d16f39-384a-4d6a-9719-1dd9b2d4ff09          | OS::TripleO::ObjectStoragePostDeployment          | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2015-04-06T21:15:20Z |
    | ObjectStorageSwiftDeployment      | afc87385-8b40-4097-b529-2a5bc81c94c8          | OS::Heat::StructuredDeployments                   | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2015-04-06T21:15:20Z |
    | PublicVirtualIP                   | 4dd92878-8f29-49d8-9d3d-bc0cd44d26a9          | OS::Neutron::Port                                 | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2015-04-06T21:15:20Z |
    | RabbitCookie                      | overcloud-RabbitCookie-uthzbos3l66v           | OS::Heat::RandomString                            | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2015-04-06T21:15:20Z |
    | SwiftDevicesAndProxyConfig        | e2141170-bb77-4509-b8bd-58447b2cd15f          | OS::TripleO::SwiftDevicesAndProxy::SoftwareConfig | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2015-04-06T21:15:20Z |
    | allNodesConfig                    | cbd42692-fffa-4527-a519-bd4014ebf0fb          | OS::TripleO::AllNodes::SoftwareConfig             | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2015-04-06T21:15:20Z |

    In this example, notice how the ControllerNodesPostDeployment resource has failed. The *PostDeployment resources are the configuration that is applied to the deployed Overcloud nodes. When these resources have failed it indicates that something went wrong during the Overcloud node configuration, perhaps when Puppet was run.

  • Show the failed resource

    $ heat resource-show overcloud ControllerNodesPostDeployment
    | Property               | Value                                                                                                                                                               |
    | attributes             | {}                                                                                                                                                                  |
    | description            |                                                                                                                                                                     |
    | links                  | (self)      |
    |                        | (stack)                                             |
    |                        | (nested) |
    | logical_resource_id    | ControllerNodesPostDeployment                                                                                                                                       |
    | physical_resource_id   | e551e472-f2db-4468-b586-0374678d71a3                                                                                                                                |
    | required_by            | BlockStorageNodesPostDeployment                                                                                                                                     |
    |                        | CephStorageNodesPostDeployment                                                                                                                                      |
    | resource_name          | ControllerNodesPostDeployment                                                                                                                                       |
    | resource_status        | CREATE_FAILED                                                                                                                                                       |
    | resource_status_reason | ResourceUnknownStatus: Resource failed - Unknown status FAILED due to "None"                                                                                        |
    | resource_type          | OS::TripleO::ControllerPostDeployment                                                                                                                               |
    | updated_time           | 2015-04-06T21:15:20Z                                                                                                                                                |

    The resource-show doesn’t always show a clear reason why the resource failed. In these cases, logging into the Overcloud node is required to further troubleshoot the issue.

  • Logging into Overcloud nodes

    Use the nova client to see the IP addresses of the Overcloud nodes.

    $ nova list
    | ID                                   | Name                                                  | Status | Task State | Power State | Networks            |
    | 18014b02-b143-4ca2-aeb9-5553bec93cff | ov-4tvbtgpv7w-0-soqocxy2w4fr-NovaCompute-nlrxd3lgmmlt | ACTIVE | -          | Running     | ctlplane= |
    | 96a57a46-1e48-4c66-adaa-342ee4e98972 | ov-rf4hby6sblk-0-iso3zlqmyzfe-Controller-xm2imjkzalhi | ACTIVE | -          | Running     | ctlplane= |

    Login as the heat-admin user to one of the deployed nodes. In this example, since the ControllerNodesPostDeployment resource failed, login to the controller node. The heat-admin user has sudo access.

    $ ssh heat-admin@

    While logged in to the controller node, examine the log for the os-collect-config log for a possible reason for the failure.

    $ sudo journalctl -u os-collect-config
  • Failed Nova Server ResourceGroup Deployments

    In some cases, Nova fails deploying the node in entirety. This situation would be indicated by a failed OS::Heat::ResourceGroup for one of the Overcloud role types such as Control or Compute.

    Use nova to see the failure in this case.

    $ nova list
    $ nova show <server-id>

    The most common error shown will reference the error message No valid host was found. Refer to No Valid Host Found Error below.

    In other cases, look at the following log files for further troubleshooting:

  • Using SOS

    SOS is a set of tools that gathers information about system hardware and configuration. The information can then be used for diagnostic purposes and debugging. SOS is commonly used to help support technicians and developers.

    SOS is useful on both the undercloud and overcloud. Install the sos package and then generate a report:

    $ sudo sosreport --all-logs

No Valid Host Found Error

Sometimes /var/log/nova/nova-conductor.log contains the following error:

NoValidHost: No valid host was found. There are not enough hosts available.

“No valid host was found” means that the Nova Scheduler could not find a bare metal node suitable for booting the new instance.

This in turn usually means some mismatch between resources that Nova expects to find and resources that Ironic advertised to Nova.

A few things should be checked in this case:

  1. Introspection should have succeeded for you before, or you should have entered the required Ironic node properties manually. For each node in ironic node-list use

    ironic node-show <IRONIC-NODE-UUID>

    and make sure that properties JSON field has valid values for keys cpus, cpu_arch, memory_mb and local_gb.

  2. Nova flavor that you are using does not exceed the Ironic node properties above for a required number of nodes. Use

    nova flavor-show <FLAVOR NAME>

    to compare.

  3. Make sure that enough nodes are in available state according to ironic node-list. Nodes in manageable state usually mean they have failed introspection.

  4. Make sure nodes you’re going to deploy to are not in maintenance mode. Again, use ironic node-list to check. A node automatically going to maintenance mode usually means wrong power credentials for this node. Check them and then remove maintenance mode:

    ironic node-set-maintenance <IRONIC-NODE-UUID> off
  5. If you’re using advanced profile matching with multiple flavors, make sure you have enough nodes corresponding to each flavor/profile. Watch capabilities key in properties field for ironic node-show. It should contain e.g. profile:compute.

  6. It takes some time for nodes information to propagate from Ironic to Nova after introspection. Our tooling usually accounts for it, but if you did some steps manually, there may be a period of time when nodes are not available to Nova yet. Check that

    nova hypervisor-stats

    correctly shows total amount of resources in your system.

Debugging TripleO Heat Templates