Troubleshooting Node Management Failures

Where Are the Logs?

Some logs are stored in journald, but most are stored as text files in /var/log. Ironic and ironic-inspector logs are stored in journald. Note that Ironic has 2 units: openstack-ironic-api and openstack-ironic-conductor. Similarly, ironic-inspector has openstack-ironic-inspector and openstack-ironic-inspector-dnsmasq. So for example to get all ironic-inspector logs use:

sudo journalctl -u openstack-ironic-inspector -u openstack-ironic-inspector-dnsmasq

If something fails during the introspection ramdisk run, ironic-inspector stores the ramdisk logs in /var/log/ironic-inspector/ramdisk/ as gz-compressed tar files. File names contain date, time and IPMI address of the node if it was detected (only for bare metal).

Node Registration Problems

Any problems with node data registered into Ironic can be fixed using the Ironic CLI.

For example, a wrong MAC can be fixed in two steps:

  • Find out the assigned port UUID by running

    ironic node-port-list <NODE UUID>
  • Update the MAC address by running

    ironic port-update <PORT UUID> replace address=<NEW MAC>

A Wrong IPMI address can be fixed with the following command:

ironic node-update <NODE UUID> replace driver_info/ipmi_address=<NEW IPMI ADDRESS>

Hardware Introspection Problems

Introspection hangs and times out

ironic-inspector times out introspection process after some time (defaulting to 1 hour) if it never gets response from the introspection ramdisk. This can be a sign of a bug in the introspection ramdisk, but usually it happens due to environment misconfiguration, particularly BIOS boot settings. Please refer to ironic-inspector troubleshooting documentation for information on how to detect and fix such problems.

Accessing the ramdisk

Note that the introspection ramdisk is by default built with the dynamic-login element, so you can set up an SSH key and log into it for debugging.

First, think of a temporary root password. Generate a hash by feeding it into openssl passwd -1 command. Edit /httpboot/inspector.ipxe manually. Find the line starting with “kernel” and append rootpwd=”HASH” to it. Do not append the real password. Alternatively, you can append sshkey=”PUBLIC_SSH_KEY” with your public SSH key.


In both cases quotation marks are required!

When ramdisk is running, figure out its IP address by checking arp utility or DHCP logs from

sudo journalctl -u openstack-ironic-inspector-dnsmasq

SSH as a root user with the temporary password or the SSH key.

Accessing logs from the ramdisk

Introspection logs are saved on ramdisk failures. Starting with the Newton release, they are actually stored on all introspection failures. The standard location is /var/log/ironic-inspector/ramdisk, and the files there are actually tar.gz without an extension.

To collect introspection logs in other cases, set always_store_ramdisk_logs = true in /etc/ironic-inspector/inspector.conf, restart the openstack-ironic-inspector service and retry the introspection.

Refusing to introspect node with provision state “available”

If you’re running introspection directly using ironic-inspector CLI (or in case of bugs in our scripts), a node can be in the “AVAILABLE” state, which is meant for deployment, not for introspection. You should advance node to the “MANAGEABLE” state before introspection and move it back before deployment. Please refer to upstream node states documentation for information on how to fix it.

How can introspection be stopped?

Starting with the Mitaka release, introspection for a node can be stopped with the following command:

openstack baremetal introspection abort <NODE UUID>

For older versions the recommended path is to wait until it times out. Changing timeout setting in /etc/ironic-inspector/inspector.conf may be used to reduce this timeout from 1 hour (which usually too much, especially on virtual environment).

If you do need to stop introspection for all nodes right now, do the following for each node:

ironic node-set-power-state UUID off

then remove ironic-inspector cache, rebuild it and restart ironic-inspector:

rm /var/lib/ironic-inspector/inspector.sqlite
sudo ironic-inspector-dbsync --config-file /etc/ironic-inspector/inspector.conf upgrade
sudo systemctl restart openstack-ironic-inspector