Deploying with SSL ================== TripleO supports deploying with SSL on the public OpenStack endpoints. The following explains how to enable that. Overcloud SSL ------------- Public VIP Details ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To start, it is necessary to have a predictable public VIP. As of this writing, that means using network isolation. With network isolation, the first address in the external network allocation range will be assigned as the public VIP. For details on deploying with network isolation, see :doc:`../advanced_deployment/network_isolation`. It is important that the public VIP be predictable because the SSL certificate's Common Name must match the address of the configured overcloud public endpoints. There are two ways to accomplish this: #. The certificate's Common Name can be set to the IP of the public VIP. In this case, the Common Name must match *exactly*. If the public VIP is ````, the certificate's Common Name must also be ````. Wild cards will not work. #. The overcloud endpoints can be configured to point at a DNS name. In this case, the certificate's Common Name must be valid for the FQDN of the overcloud endpoints. Wild cards should work fine. Note that this option also requires pre-configuration of the specified DNS server with the appropriate FQDN and public VIP. Certificate Details ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. admonition:: Self-Signed SSL :class: selfsigned For the self-signed case, just the predictable public VIP method will be documented, as DNS configuration is outside the scope of this document. Generate a private key:: openssl genrsa -out overcloud-privkey.pem 2048 Generate a self-signed CA certificate. This command will prompt for some identifying information. Most of the fields don't matter, but this is where the Common Name must be set to the first IP in the external network allocation pool:: openssl req -new -x509 -key overcloud-privkey.pem -out overcloud-cacert.pem -days 365 Add the self-signed CA certificate to the undercloud's trusted certificate store. Adding this file to the overcloud nodes will be discussed later:: sudo cp overcloud-cacert.pem /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/ sudo update-ca-trust extract The contents of the private key and CA certificate files must be provided to Heat as part of the deployment command. To do this, there is a sample environment file in tripleo-heat-templates with fields for the file contents. It is generally recommended that the original copy of tripleo-heat-templates in ``/usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates`` not be altered, since it could be overwritten by a package update at any time. Instead, make a copy of the templates:: cp -r /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates ~/ssl-heat-templates Then edit the enable-tls.yaml environment file. If using the location from the previous command, the correct file would be in ``~/ssl-heat-templates/environments/enable-tls.yaml``. Insert the contents of the private key and CA certificate files in their respective locations. .. note:: The certificate and key will be multi-line values, and all of the lines must be indented to the same level. An abbreviated version of how the file should look:: parameter_defaults: SSLCertificate: | -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIDgzCCAmugAwIBAgIJAKk46qw6ncJaMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMFgxCzAJBgNV [snip] sFW3S2roS4X0Af/kSSD8mlBBTFTCMBAj6rtLBKLaQbIxEpIzrgvp -----END CERTIFICATE----- [rest of file snipped] ``SSLKey`` should look similar, except with the value of the private key. ``SSLIntermediateCertificate`` can be set in the same way if the certificate signer uses an intermediate certificate. Note that the ``|`` character must be added as in the other values to indicate that this is a multi-line value. When the certificate's common name is set to the public VIP, all instances of ``CLOUDNAME`` in enable-tls.yaml must be replaced with ``IP_ADDRESS``. This is not necessary when using a DNS name for the overcloud endpoints .. note:: This command should be run exactly as shown below. Do not replace ``IP_ADDRESS`` with an actual address. Heat will insert the appropriate value at deploy time. :: sed -i 's/CLOUDNAME/IP_ADDRESS/' ~/ssl-heat-templates/environments/enable-tls.yaml When using a self-signed certificate or a signer whose certificate is not in the default trust store on the overcloud image it will be necessary to inject the certificate as part of the deploy process. This can be done with the environment file ``~/ssl-heat-templates/environments/inject-trust-anchor.yaml``. Insert the contents of the signer's root CA certificate in the appropriate location, in a similar fashion to what was done for the certificate and key above. .. admonition:: Self-Signed SSL :class: selfsigned Injecting the root CA certificate is required for self-signed SSL. The correct value to use is the contents of the ``overcloud-cacert.pem`` file. DNS Endpoint Configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When deploying with DNS endpoint addresses, two additional parameters must be passed in a Heat environment file. These are ``CloudName`` and ``DnsServers``. To do so, create a new file named something like ``cloudname.yaml``:: parameter_defaults: CloudName: DnsServers: Replace the values with ones appropriate for the target environment. Note that the configured DNS server(s) must have an entry for the configured ``CloudName`` that matches the public VIP. Deploying an SSL Environment ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The ``enable-tls.yaml`` file must be passed to the overcloud deploy command to enable SSL on the public endpoints. Include the following additional parameter in the overcloud deploy command:: -e ~/ssl-heat-templates/environments/enable-tls.yaml The ``inject-trust-anchor.yaml`` file must also be passed if a root certificate needs to be injected. The additional parameters in that case would instead look like:: -e ~/ssl-heat-templates/environments/enable-tls.yaml -e ~/ssl-heat-templates/environments/inject-trust-anchor.yaml When DNS endpoints are being used, the ``cloudname.yaml`` file must also be passed. The additional parameters would be (``inject-trust-anchor.yaml`` may also be used if it is needed for the configured certificate):: -e ~/ssl-heat-templates/environments/enable-tls.yaml -e ~/cloudname.yaml [-e ~/ssl-heat-templates/environments/inject-trust-anchor.yaml]